This assignment is only required for students who are contracting for an A or a B.
If you are contracting for an A: Create a website using CUNY Academic Commons. (I’ll show you how). Publish REVISED versions of your first two essays on that site. (The third one is probably too new to get a revised version of, but you’ll do something else with it.) You’ll also publish a sampling of your informal work—3-5 examples of freewrites, outlines, sketches, etc, anything I haven’t graded or responded to—along with brief explanations of how these “artifacts” show your learning over the semester.
If you are contracting for a B: You won’t create a website or revise your work. But you will compose an oral or written self-assessment drawing on examples from your work this semester, and you’ll present it briefly to our class at the end of the semester.
If you are contracting for a C: This assignment is encouraged.